Thanks to the Mission Community for supporting the Mission Community Market on June 19th, to our sponsors, and to our partners. July 22 – 4pm-8pm – Bartlett @ 22nd – The Mission Community Market begins and will only grow from here.
The line up for July 22nd includes:
- Deliciously prepared foods from La Cocina and the Mission Market
- Fresh produce from farms such as Blue House, Tomatero, Twin Girls, Hidden Star and Organic Pastures
- Collaborative youth mural project led by Chris Treggiari of Root Division Arts Collective. Youth from YMCA Mission Girls and the Mission Beacon will be in attendance. All are invited.
- Activities and play space hosted by the Mission Beacon and the Dolores Community Youth Alliance
- Live Music from Porto Franco records
- Capoeria from Abada Capoeira
- Crafts and artisans from the Women’s Initiative and MiSBA
- Health resources and information from CARECEN, Rec and Parks, Shape Up SF
Thanks to our sponsors and partners: