Chef Eskender Aseged of Radio Africa in your Kitchen!

Order your Chef’s Market Box for Thursday

Last week we debuted our Chef’s Market Box, a box of fresh MCM produce, portioned perfectly to an original recipe from a famous San Francisco chef. Each week, a local chef will create a recipe and bring San Francisco’s best culinary talent into your very own kitchen!

If you order online, we’ll deliver the produce to your doorstep or a pick up point so you can cook it up fresh.

Thanks to Jake des Voignes of Local: Mission Eatery for our first recipe, a delicious Farro with Summer Squash and Spring Salad.

This week, a familiar face at the market will provide us with a very special recipe. Eskender Aseged of Radio Africa Kitchen blends his Ethiopian heritage with a few things he’s learned in legendary kitchens from New York to San Francisco. Read Eskender’s story here and check out some delectable pictures of Eskender’s “Red Sea meets Mediterranean” from the BoldItalic.

Posted on by Mission Community Market in Chef Market Box, Vendors

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