Give Input on the Future of Bartlett Street

Invest in your community! Give input on the future of Bartlett Street at an open house Wednesday May 29th!

Join the City of San Francisco for an open house to discuss the future of Bartlett Street. Thanks to YOUR support, we secured funds for the Mercado Plaza project. Now tell us what you think the future should look like at an open house hosted by the San Francisco Planning Department, Dept of Public Works, MTA, the Rebar Group, and MCM. Improvements could include new pavement, safer sidewalks, market stalls, better lighting, street graphics, a marquee, and more. But it all depends on your input! Please come and tell us what you think! Light refreshments will be provided.

Mercado Plaza Open House
Wednesday, May 29 –  6:00-7:30 PM 
The Women’s Building, ROOM A
3543 18th Street, San Francisco, CA 94110

Questions? Contact Ilaria Salvadori at
(415) 575-9086 or

Posted on by Mission Community Market in Blog, Mercado Plaza

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