People of MCM: Board Member Paul Geffner

This week our featured shopper at MCM is none other than Paul Geffner, a key member on the MCM Board of Directors. Thanks to Paul, and all of our board members, for helping make MCM great!


Where do you live?

Why are you on the MCM Board?
I was brought on by Ilaria, another board member who served as the driving force behind MCM’s creation. I own Escape from New York Pizza, another business on 22nd Street, and I believe 100% in the idea of the market. Thursdays at the Mission Mercado are a chance to come together for the good of the community and we have seen that what is healthy for the community is also healthy for businesses. The market also serves as an excellent incubator for small businesses.

What are you most excited to share about the Market?
MCM has a great feel and the food is good and honest. I look forward to the growth and establishment of the Mercado Plaza which will be a pedestrian friendly zone that will serve more diverse needs in the the community.

What is your newest project?
I have been collaborating with Adam Driver to build Driver’s Market, an all organic natural grocery store in Sausalito. Our goal is to promote diversity in the economy by supporting small businesses. Our Grand Opening is this Saturday, June 29th from 10-5. Come check us out!

Posted on by Mission Community Market in Blog, Mercado Plaza, People of MCM

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