Mercado Kitchen: 3-Ingredient Pomegranate Pistachio Chocolate

This recipe was inspired by the arrival of pomegranates from Twin Girls Farm! Now, if you’re like me you’ve always had a love/hate relationship with pomegranates. They taste amazing but there’s the special challenge of getting at those delicious seeds. The juice gets everywhere, not to mention those funky thin membranes. But I’ve always found that if I just throw on my oldest stains-are-ok shirt and go along with it it pays off, because they’re just so good.

In addition to being delicious, the juice from pomegranates is chock full of health benefits, including high antioxidant power, benefits to cardiovascular health, and there is even some evidence of anti-cancer properties.

As it turns out, there’s actually a way easier (and stain-free!) way to extract the seeds from pomegranates. All you have to do is peel them in a bowl of cold water. The denser seeds sink to the bottom while the pulp floats to the top and is easily scooped out.

This recipe packs a health boost in disguise. You may think it’s a dessert but both pomegranates and dark chocolate contain body-protecting antioxidants, and pistachios have a high potassium content (move over bananas!) This is also probably one of the easiest recipes on record. Three healthy ingredients. Chop, melt, stir, cool, eat.


Three-Ingredient Pomegranate Pistachio Chocolate

Recipe adapted from B&D



  • Line a baking sheet with a silicone baking mat or waxed paper
  • Break up chocolate into small chunks, put in a microwave-safe bowl, and microwave for ~1 minute but keep an eye on it (microwave intensities vary)
  • Remove from microwave and stir until all chocolate is melted and creamy – heat more in 15 second increments in the microwave if necessary
  • Stir in half the pomegranate seeds
  • Scrape the chocolate mixture onto the baking sheet and spread it into a rectangle – doesn’t need to be exact (mine looked like the wonkiest rectangle ever – it’s the taste that matters!)
  • Sprinkle the remaining pomegranate seeds and chopped pistachios over top of the chocolate, pressing them gently into the top
  • Refrigerate until set 
  • Lick the bowl clean… ahem… clean your materials and stare at the clock until the chocolate is hard enough and you can devour it all. Break into chunks and enjoy!
Posted on by Mission Community Market in Blog, Mercado Kitchen, Recipes, Twin Girls Farm, Winters Tree Fruit

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